Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) Plan Identification by Alpha Prefix
We recently worked on a project that required us to identify the home plan for any Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield member across the nation (including Puerto Rico). The home plan can be identified by the [typically] 3 character alpha prefix on the patient's insurance card. There are some useful lookup tools if you are trying to find this information for a single patient/member, but we could not find a consolidated, downloadable list of all the prefixes and the home plan to which they belong. The websites we found with data in bulk were unreliable and out of date. They were also made to generate ad revenue which meant an onerous amount of clicking, copying and pasting. So we created our own lookup program. Anyone who needs this type of data should have easy access to all of it.
We are providing searchable tables of alpha prefixes and the BCBS plans to which we believe they belong in two formats. You can download the Excel file below or you can use the searchable online table. The Excel file also contains links to the payor/plan's website. Links currently land at the main home page or the member page, if you would like us to point to the provider page instead please Contact Us.
While Switch RCM will make reasonable attempts to update this data and check it for accuracy, since Switch RCM is making this data available for free, Switch makes no guarantees to the accuracy of this data. Use of this data is at your own risk. We're still pretty sure it is the most accurate resource available on the web.